Individual Therapy

1721236996Can’t find your way?

Your pain has reached a new level. You don’t want to deal with this any longer… you CAN’T deal with it any longer.

It’s getting harder to pretend everything is okay. You’re discouraged, confused, angry, anxious, depressed, or hopeless.

Social, family, and financial problems…

Stress, feeling overwhelmed, and indecisiveness…

Thoughts that stray or don’t go away…

Something has to change.

Enough is enough.

You probably sense your thoughts, emotions, attitudes, or behaviors are causing the problems, but you might not know how or why.

All you know is your sense of well-being, relationships, work, and health are suffering.

The negative thinking– the fears, doubts, and insecurities… they’re like an infection.

Being productive and enjoying life… it almost feels like a lifestyle that’s totally out of reach.

1705884004Let’s talk…

First, we’ll find a convenient time for your initial appointment. I have a variety of times and days available, and my goal is to make this as accessible as possible. Appointments last 50 minutes and typically start on the hour.

During your initial visit, you’ll tell me why you want to start therapy, and I’ll ask you questions about your life. We can cover a broad range of subjects in under an hour and might even identify some goals for our work together. We’ll figure out a schedule and rhythm that’s just right for your future appointments.

We’ll start those future sessions with a check-in; I’ll ask you how you are that day and about the week before. You’re welcome to bring a specific topic or agenda to session, but you don’t have to prepare anything. Once you’ve grown accustomed to meeting consistently, you’ll soon get in a groove of bookmarking events, thoughts, interactions, feelings, and memories and bringing them into your next therapy session.

A gradual shift in perspective…

It’ll happen as you have breakthroughs, epiphanies, and realizations – in and out of session.

It’s a lot like peeling a layer from an onion and finding another layer beneath – one that couldn’t be understood until the previous layer was removed.

I’ll ask you questions to facilitate this process. Some will be easy; others will be highly challenging. But don’t worry: I promise to be nice!

1930393082Making process in therapy is a lot like this…

Imagine walking through your home and finding a hidden room you didn’t know existed. Naturally, you go inside and explore.

You find space and objects inside the room, familiar and unfamiliar – perhaps some that had been lost long ago.

It may be surprising (or shocking) to find that room was right there all along, but now that you see it, it makes sense on some level.

This new terrain holds clarity and answers where you have been confused and lost… and it also holds new questions!

It might seem like magic, but…

There’s nothing secretive about therapy.

In fact, it’s about eliminating secrets you keep from yourself and others and finding practical solutions to problems.

Let’s explore and find the solutions and growth you crave!

Call now, and we’ll get started with your free consultation: (610) 933-2127.