Healing Trauma and Grief

Move past the trauma and grief keeping you from enjoying life…

2010070328Trauma is awful.

Something terrible happened. You didn’t want it to happen, but it did… and the memory sticks with you.

Trauma is painful and often complex. Feeling overwhelmed, angry, sad, alone, and unlovable are common effects. It also causes anxiety, fear, and nightmares.

It’s also hard to talk about. It’s as if it’s stuck inside you, you can’t get it out, and you can’t get past it. No matter how hard you try, you never quite feel complete.

No one deserves to be traumatized, and you don’t deserve to live with its continuing effects on your life.

While there is no way to change the past, coming to terms with it and moving past its damage is absolutely achievable.

112858771Grief happens whenever you lose something dear.

It can be a loved one, a relationship, a career, or even an opportunity.

It doesn’t matter if it was fair (but if it wasn’t, it makes it harder). I don’t blame you for being angry, sad, betrayed, and lost. What’s the point of trying again if losses hurt so badly?

Grief is common, and finding your way through it can be complex. But…

If you can’t stop thinking about how hurt you are… or how things would be different if the loss hadn’t occurred… it’s time to get some help.

Help is here.

Trauma and grief are some of the most difficult things to discuss, and my patient and caring support will leave you feeling safe to proceed.

I focus on what you can do now and what is bothering you most, and we will work together from there to root out the problems permanently.

But trust is essential, and it takes time to develop.

That’s’ why we’ll work at your pace and dig into your difficulties based on your level of readiness.

2252354529Get ready to feel hopeful!

Relief might be quicker to find than you’ve realized. Complete relief takes time, but just starting to address your trauma and grief is rewarding, and the work you do will be healing.

You are reading this because you want to experience life in a better way. You must take action to achieve freedom. But as soon as you start, you’ll be making progress, and it feels good to make progress!

Enough is enough! You deserve to heal and be happy.

It’s time to let go and move on. Call me today to talk about starting the next chapter of your life: (610) 933-2127.