Toxic friendships? Issues with your partner? Problematic family dynamics? Let’s get to work on those.
Everyone’s felt it, but it still seems unfair… especially because others don’t seem to feel it as much as you.
Misunderstood, overlooked, and uncared for by those who matter most to you…
At home, at work, and in social settings…
It’s terrible when you feel alone around those who say they’re your friends.
It happens again and again…
And again.
You keep playing out the same relationship patterns.
You pick the wrong person, or things don’t work out for one reason or another.
You end up resenting them… then missing them… then resenting yourself.
Why do you keep doing this to yourself?
Creatures of habit…
You’ve been together forever, and the same problems keep happening and are getting worse.
Your partner doesn’t understand you. And what’s worse… they don’t seem to care.
Or they’re angry, and you can’t get through to them.
Things have to get better… because they can’t get much worse.
You’d do anything for your friends, but would they do the same for you?
There are some you consider close… and maybe they’re supportive. But they don’t know everything that’s going on in your life, and you’re not getting the support you need.
Is it you? Is it them? Is it always going to be like this?
It’s complicated, but there is a way out.
Whether your difficulties are in your family, social life, or workplace, I can work with you to find the underlying causes of your relationship difficulties.
You put forth so much effort. Let’s redirect it to give you positive results! We’ll talk about the patterns you’re in, how you got there, and how to do things differently.
Gaining perspective, trying new things, and resolving underlying issues will give you the experiences and power you want and need.
You deserve to be happy, connected, and fulfilled.
Let’s get you there. In therapy, we’ll identify your goals and turn them into your reality.
No matter what’s happened in the past… no matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you… things can change.
Therapy gives you the perspective and motivation you need to change your life!
Things either get better or worse…
But they don’t stay the same.
If you’re reading this, you must want things to be better. But unless you take action, things are going to deteriorate further.
Your happiness and fulfillment are at stake. The quality of your life and connections depend on what you do next.
Yes, even you can have healthy relationships!
Reach out so we can get started in changing your life: (610) 933-2127.