Couples Therapy

1828733366No matter how hard things are right now…

There is a way forward, and I can help.

If you and your partner want to change but are struggling with communication or compatibility.

Or maybe you just can’t get along or agree on things.

Maybe you don’t feel connected the way you used to.

I know these things are frustrating, but therapy can help.

Getting over conflict isn’t easy – for anyone.

“Why do I keep doing this?”

“Why won’t they change?”

“Come on… how could they not see that?”

Most couples ask these questions at one point or another.

But if the interactions have become cold… or you’re both insensitive to each other… or the resentment has built to the point where you’re each looking for a “win” all the time…

It’s time to step in and take action before the ship sinks.

1080284474You probably have a million questions going into this…

Couples therapy, marriage counseling, relationship issues… are they the same? Why do they all sound foreboding?

What’s it going to be like?

Who’s going to get blamed?

Who’s side will the therapist take?

Am I right? Of course I’m right. But is there something else I could be doing… that WE could be doing?

Is this fixable?

I don’t have all the answers, but…

Here are a few things I can tell you off the bat:

Do you take sides?


Who is right, and who is wrong?


Am I responsible for making sure my needs and wants are met?


Who is responsible for making sure my needs and wants are met?


What if I don’t know the difference between what I need and want?

We’ll work on that.

2456781329In your first session…

I’ll ask you background questions about you and your relationship. I’ll ask each of you to identify what brought you to therapy and what you want from the experience.

There are two reasons for this: First, I genuinely want to know you and what is important to you. Second, I want you to hear it from each other.

This first session is essentially a meet-and-greet where I’ll gather information, learn about your goals, and schedule future sessions.

Once we start meeting regularly…

You can bring topics and an agenda to session if you like, but it’s absolutely not necessary.

I’ll ask you about recent events and interactions you’ve shared, both positive and negative.

After you get used to talking with me, you’ll get a feel for what you want to discuss to open the session.

The two fundamental principles of healthy relationships…

These are the foundation of my approach…

The first is having shared goals, and the second is communicating about those goals.

This is often easier early in a relationship when things are exciting. Later, aligning your goals can tricky.

Tangible goals, such as saving money or buying a house can be somewhat easier to agree on than emotional goals, but achieving emotional partnership is much more valuable and rewarding.

I’ll help you formulate your goals (both small and large) and cultivate healthy verbal communication as you achieve specific objectives.

As we gear up to get started, remember this…

You know yourselves, each other, and your relationship a lot better than I do.

You’re going to teach me about you and your relationship, so I can help you find out what comes next for you as individuals and as a couple.

You’ve come this far… now, take the next step!

Reach out, and we’ll talk more about how I can help during your free consultation: (610) 933-2127.